Where d'you 'magine y're on holiday
you foul tourist face

sure enough you didn't know this wus
a high security detention camp
for heavy-psychiatric captives

stubborn high risk public enemies
who give no mercy
to State authorities Army forces and
ufficial emergency programs

OK pal I'll look away just for this time
so get moving
cuz we are to shoot all snoopin eyes

but I'm tender at heart and warm human
this night so I give you a warming jolt
of vodka with me sonny.

but yousee these here duds are
sufferers of some gross infectious stuff:
non-symptom carrying querulant paranoia
religious classified -
so they're opposing the remove into the
Aquarian Level, which the State Catchall
Inspectorate has determined that we
shall all be in together.

Sure you know about that, you're no greener
than you're ColorTV licence holder
but i real guess you didna know that some
were against that big glamoured breakthru.

Listen sonny theyre not healthy they claim
sort of contact with big daddy god out there
in the galaxies outmarsh... creator god and
stuff, not the scientifically approved
UFO contact thing that folks may look up to
earnestly with hope.

They're pattilogical preoccupayed of
an old notteridammus sortof mammonscript
witch academmicoldly shouldnot by rite have
been in the bible atall - and they yearn so
for Jerusalym. And this they expect should
redeemum from a sound terrorpeutic stay
in state conworsion and recycling camp.

Wa yousee they're warshipping in quite a
diffirent amplitude of mind than our State
approved astrolytic UFO 'Force' -
you know, the things they started feeding
into kids at cinnima and playthings and games
and video and all, just to ease the great
transfummation into an addic er additional
demonocracy of co-upperating
high galuxy Forces.

Yaknow, these here patioents we haveto guard
here are suspected of contemtilated annoyances
against the profundly moving Ceremony of
a Pointment that will be held.

Very likely to disturb that beatific
religious mass atmospheral tuning
with shameless blasphemous clamourings
and accusations - when the Supreme Head
of the transgalactic aliens will glorify
for all the world that one among our human race
inwhom the Ascended Masters of Wisdom announce
all their delight.

uh yes, I'ma ware this sounds funnelly similar to
that old crap witch is now expired and voided
for this brave new age - but mark the diffirence
is spiritual science son, broad daylight oxcult
easy-tearic sciences. Know your Bailey.
Well I stick with vodka, spiritual just as I am, heh.

Yousee I'm intollagent enough to esteemate
the equality of all sincere pious emotions,
nun the less I haveto earn my euro in the
Grand Duke's camo clothes.

But as I said, these prottistant quarrel ants
always claimed their freedom to warship cording
to their totally private own ideas
and sure you know how vassly such a thing will
deplete power from collective cunciousness
justlike that.

We've learned to think more sustainable -
no freedom of mind is obligatory.
When the whole collective farm has to be
hitched one great step higher up, there's
no use of old libberty junk
(I almost believed in it meself).

Sure they'll get all their warship cording
round their necks but life churns on,
ever rebirthing again -
a great quantum overlucionary process.
Thatsit sonny - somehow itwas sorta good to
talk this out,
thepower bewithyou - now you just hit
the track while I look away.