Favorite links (intro) to

Purchaseware Graphics


Links intro page Links page 1

These are recommended links to sites where artists sell their own home-made graphics (some of them offer free graphics as well).
When I've bought some of these graphics, I've put them in folders on my harddisk (one folder per artist) for later use.

Use these links pages for trying out new sites. They are not credits pages, the credits are given on each page separately. If you want the source of one of my graphics, check the text links on the page where it's used (or mail me).

Text links only would have given faster loading of the pages, but I have assumed you would want a small sample of each artist's work as well. I've included the graphics' height and width in the page code, which should help speed up the loading of the pages.

Links intro page Links page 1


Anne K. Sorknes
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Graphics on this page credited to aks., IconBazaar, and the artists respectively
Background Copyright © Loraine Wauer Ferus